The following discounts apply in all these categories.
5% for $500 purchase
10% for $1000 purchase
15% for $1500 purchase
7.5% on $750 Sale
12.5% on $1,250.00 Sales
Categories Home

We carry a broad range of crystals both natural and polished pieces.


Agate, Amber, Ammonites, Calcites, Cathedrals, Chrysanthemum Stones, Cylinders, Kyanite, Lepidolite, Petrified Wood, Slabs, Tourmaline, Window Rocks, and more.


Amazonite, Apatite, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Emerald, Emerald Calcite, Fuchsite, Honey Calcite, Moonstone, Orange Calcite, Rose Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Sodalite


Necklaces, Chokers, Bracelets, Earrings, Pendants, Jewelry Making Supplies.

Tumbled Stones

Amazonite through Zebra Jasper. We carry over 100 varieties.

Specialty Items

Product display items, Shiva Lingams, bookends and more.

Steals and Deals
Steals and Deals
Discounts Apply !
Steals & Deals 50%
Raiders' Steals and Deals section offers closeout prices on select merchandise. Help us make room for new inventory. We offer deep discounts on these items: buy 1 or 2 items for 50% discount, buy 3 or 4 items for 60% discount, or buy 5 or more items for 70% discount.
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